Wooden House in village Ramne
Price from:
2,460.00 ден
Included in price:
- Minimal price for renting the accommodation per night
- Maximum price can be 40€ depending the period and number of nights
- Heating/Cooling
- Wi-Fi
- TV
- Private Parking Lot
Not included in price:
- Transport to accommodation
- Food
The Accommodation is fully equipped, air-conditioned, Wi-Fi, TV, Private Parking Lot.
Air Conditioned
Clean Air
The Wooden House is located near village
Ramne on 890 meters above sea level.
The house has an apartment with two rooms,
one of which is the living room with a kitchen and a main bed room. The
apartment has a double bed with an additional pull-out sofa in the living room.
The apartment is fully equipped, air-conditioned;
there is Wi-Fi available at all times, TV and a private parking lot.
The house is located into a calm
neighbourhood and the closest neighbours are 200 meters far from the house.
Check-In: 11am
Check-Out: 11am
The accommodation allows pets and bikes inside as well.