Restaurant Old Motel: Kochani, Macedonia

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Contact for reservations: 078 260 205

For those who have never visited Kočani and the Gračche Dam, where we have accommodation in the base, we recommend doing so during the summer and autumn seasons when we have beautiful green forests, stunning nature, and, of course, opportunities for a walk through it.

Speaking of the Gračche Dam, starting today, our "Gastronomy" base is expanding with another destination. It’s the "Stari Motel" restaurant, which has been building its story with delicious food for 10 years.

Daniel, the host who opened the doors of the restaurant for us, says that he took over the story a year ago when he acquired the restaurant under concession.

You can reach the restaurant by car, small vans, motorcycles, and bicycles, and of course, you can also walk from the city of Kočani. For those who are active athletes and in good condition for hiking, it’s definitely doable.

The restaurant is located right at the dam's exit, offering a wonderful view of the dam. It also serves fantastic specialties of carp and trout, but here you’ll also find the "Stari Motel" hamburger.

Contact for reservations: 078 260 205


*The exact location will be provided after making a reservation. We share the location after reservation confirmation to avoid unbooked guests arriving and disturbing those currently staying.

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