Omma - Farm & Villa: Skopje, Macedonia

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Today we are taking you to the surroundings of the village of Orman, where in the foothills of Skopska Crna Gora, the newly opened restaurant "Omma: Farm & Villa" is located.

The team at is constantly uncovering unique gastro corners where you can spend a great weekend with your loved ones.

Today, we are taking you to the surroundings of the village of Orman, where in the foothills of Skopska Crna Gora, the newly opened restaurant "Omma: Farm & Villa" is located.

The unique location of the restaurant allows for an active weekend in nature, with the cherry on top being the delicious food you can enjoy.

On its social media, the restaurant uses the motto "Organic food restaurant," and we expect guest impressions and feedback to confirm this.

On the restaurant's menu, you can find various local specialties such as pogacha, baked cheeses, peppers with kaymak, summer stews, homemade sujuk, beef specialties, and various desserts.

The surroundings of the restaurant are rich in pine forest, which guarantees you an oxygen therapy session during your stay.


*The exact location will be provided after making a reservation. We share the location after reservation confirmation to avoid unbooked guests arriving and disturbing those currently staying.

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