Ethno House: Villa Elena - Brodec

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Reservation phone numbers: 070343955 or 070746888

The Ethno House is located in the village of Brodec, about 50 minutes drive from the centre of Skopje.

The location is in Skopska Crna Gora.

Some of the house specialities we recommend are pita, kajmak, homemade goat cheese, goat kashkaval (cheese), roasted lamb meat, makala, and pinđuri.

For those who decide to visit the Ethno House, the team recommends visiting the nearby waterfalls. These are the waterfalls of Tršcenski Potok, located about 500 meters east of the village, at an altitude of 950-1100 meters. There are about ten waterfalls, ranging from 2.5 to 5 meters in height, arranged in a cascading manner.

For those interested in visiting the waterfalls, it’s important to know that they are easily accessible. A trail leads to them, starting from a sharp bend on the asphalt road towards Ramno, at the exit of the Brodec weekend settlement. The two upper waterfalls can be reached in just 5 minutes of easy walking.


*The exact location will be provided after making a reservation. We share the location after reservation confirmation to avoid unbooked guests arriving and disturbing those currently staying.

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