Ethno Complex Karanfilov, Radishani: Skopje, Macedonia

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Ethno Complex Karanfilov in Radishani. A place where food is prepared using traditional recipes.

For the people of Skopje and the surrounding area who are looking for weekend gastro destinations, it’s worth noting that a new ethno complex has opened in Radishani, where delicious homemade local dishes are prepared.

For lovers of tavče gravče, grilled meat, homemade dips, and salads, we recommend the "Karanfilov" ethno complex, located just 20 minutes by car from the center of Skopje.

The complex features spacious indoor and outdoor areas, with a beautiful garden and a large parking area.


*The exact location will be provided after making a reservation. We share the location after reservation confirmation to avoid unbooked guests arriving and disturbing those currently staying.

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