
First Team-Building Event with the "Art and Wine" Art Colony

First Team-Building Event with the "Art and Wine" Art Colony

There is nothing better than when a company embraces Kajak.mk's concept for organizing a unique team-building event in the Skopje area. If we're seeking a company that exemplifies what an all-day picnic event in the rural areas around Skopje should be like, "Support and Solutions Center MK" is undoubtedly the benchmark.

We are pleased to announce that, for the first time in Macedonia, we organized an art colony where our employees had the opportunity to learn the fundamental techniques of ceramic painting. This initiative was led by talented young artists, Bojan and Cvetan.

We provided blankets and black rubber gloves for each participant in the colony, which created a perfect atmosphere. The cherry on top was the wine supplied by several small family wineries from the Tikvesh region.

We successfully made the most of the last warm rays of sunshine for the year, and in doing so, we want to inspire all companies interested in joining our art colonies. We have named these colonies "Art and Wine," and we can organize them in local wineries, public spaces, private rooms, gardens, or natural settings.

You might be wondering where we organized the picnic event after seeing the photos. For those who regularly follow Kajak.mk, you may already be familiar with "Kutrakotna Dedo." However, for those encountering it for the first time, we'd like to introduce you to "Kutrakot na Dedo," a beautiful private oasis located in the village of Badar.

Thus, if you ask us where to find peace and tranquility, along with privacy and freedom, our answer would undoubtedly be "Grandpa's Little House".

In addition to the "Art and Wine" colony, the Kajak team also organized a short workshop on creating wooden wine racks. During this workshop, participants had the opportunity to meet our talented craftsmen from the Zingiber carving studio, whom we often support through our events. We have written extensively about Zingiber, and we believe these artisans can inspire you to transform your passion for crafting into unique pieces that reflect your personal style.

The picnic wouldn't be complete without barbecue and burgers, nor without beer and music. For the first time, we successfully combined a DJ set with an electric guitar to host a karaoke show, which we tucked away in the company's private collection. Our music selection featured a fantastic array of ChillOut tracks, and in addition to the karaoke party, we also set up a techno area for fans of electronic music.

It was a wonderful day filled with many guests, fun, socializing, games, and activities. In short, it was a picnic we will always remember.

A special thanks to the "Support and Solutions Center MK" for placing your trust in us. We are excited to welcome you as a new eco-hero company that has joined the Kajak.mk family.

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