68 Years Old, Two Artificial Hips, and Still an Active Hiker and Guide! (part two)
68 Years Old, Two Artificial Hips, and Still an Active Hiker and Guide! (part two)
We: What kind of tourists do you enjoy the most? Do tourists motivate you to work?
Mano: The composition of groups in cultural, historical, study, religious, and politically themed tours is primarily senior (ages 60-95). As a professional, I shouldn’t make any distinctions, but I must admit that in the last three or four years, active, i.e., hiking tours, have become a greater challenge for me. I combine these tours with engaging the groups using my broad knowledge in various fields, including mushroom foraging.
We: We know that there are many beautiful places in Macedonia, but which mountain are you most in love with?
Mano: Our country, although small, is truly beautiful and has a diverse biodiversity that is rare to find in Europe. As you may know, 79% of our total area of 25,717 km² consists of mountain terrain, 19% is lowlands, and only 2% is covered by water. Few countries have such beauty, and our mixed deciduous and coniferous forests are often unfamiliar to foreign visitors who prefer the mountains.
It’s a very difficult question to answer, as each mountain has its own charm for someone who loves nature and hiking. Each mountain is beautiful in its own way, offering unique features—whether in the richness of its forests, the views from the peaks, or the challenge and accessibility of the climb.
In the Šar Mountain range alone, which is 85 km long and 15-25 km wide, we have 15 peaks above 2,500 meters and 25 peaks above 2,000 meters. What can be said about the Korab Mountain range, Jablanica, Jakupica, the Osogovo mountains, and countless other beautiful mountains of ours, not to mention our national parks and so on. I believe that for every person, the most cherished period of life is youth, so I must admit that the mountain of my youth is Mount Kitka.
Mano believes that, just as it has been so far, foreign tourists will increasingly be oriented towards active tourism in the future. Our beautiful nature, combined with the unknown rural environment for foreigners and the customs of the local population, offers great potential for a broader tourism offer. He emphasizes that the focus should be placed on hiking, mountain biking tourism, paragliding, horse riding tours, and similar activities.
The year 2021 gives him hope that we will overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. He hopes that tourism will begin to thrive again.
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